Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I am

I am
I am the one who made heaven and earth
When darkness was on the face of the earth I gave light, so you can see
Who gave you the only son so you may have life? I am.
When trouble comes in like a flood who quiets the storm? I am. 
Even though there was a time when you should have been dead who gave you grace and mercy? I am.
Why is your heart troubled? I commanded that your heart be not troubled
I will be with you wherever you go
Now who made you? I am.
My plan is to bless you and not harm you, to strengthen you, not weaken you, to prosper you, and not curse you
Who is going to stick closer to you than any brother? I am.
I say this to you to let you know I am the way, the truth and the life, now I leave my peace with you, because I am 
By: Sabrina Williams


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